For a very long time New Haven has celebrated its Irish influence and culture. Each year there is a
The parade is held on Sunday morning before St. Paddy's Day which is why I have no photos! What would St. Patrick think?? However it's a huge event, attended by many people. This year the rains poured forth and the ban on street drinking was in effect. From what I hear that didn't stop people from coming out.

So I don't know what this says...hopefully it's a blessing. Maybe a toast. It was in a window of one of our local Irish stores.

So begins the DRY pub crawl. It's St. Patricks Day and I've got to work tonight...a Lenten Service...hence the DRY crawl. I'm just saying one Harp's would have been good on a warm, almost spring day. My neighbor and I walked around New Haven in the late afternoon and snapped a few photos of some of the Irish pubs. It was unusually quiet, I thought, but she assured me that after work it would liven up. She should know with a last name like Donahue!

Here are some Irish blessings for you for St. Patrick's Day.
May you always have
Walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain,
Tea beside the fire,
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all your heart might desire!
May you be in Heaven a half hour before theDevil knows you're dead!
When Irish eyes are smiling,
Tis like a morn in spring.
With a lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing
When Irish hearts are happy
All the world is bright and gay
When Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, they steal your heart away.
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
Nice blessings. Same to you.